The Best Vegan Pizza Toppings: Ideas for a Homemade Pie

If you are on a quest for the best vegan pizza toppings, this list will help get your ideas flowing!

Imagine, if you will, a pizza crust, golden and crisp, topped with all kinds of healthy plant-based foods! The toppings, a vibrant tapestry of colors and flavors, are where the true innovation begins.

Thinly sliced zucchini ribbons, marinated in basil-infused olive oil, twirl elegantly alongside succulent cherry tomatoes, their sweetness intensified by the oven’s heat. Charred broccolini adds depth with its earthy undertones, while artichoke hearts, soaked in a lemony brine, introduce a playful zest that dances on the palate.

Essential Ingredients for the Best Vegan Pizza Toppings

Favorite Vegan Pizza Toppings

Creating a delicious vegan pizza requires attention to each component, from the crust to the toppings. Choosing high-quality ingredients ensures a flavorful outcome that rivals traditional pizzas.

With these simple ingredients, you can elevate your vegan pizza to gourmet levels! If you are making vegan pizza dough from scratch, here’s a good recipe! So whether you are making homemade pizza dough or using pre-made dough – let’s have a vegan pizza party!

32 Of My Favorite Vegan Pizza Toppings

Choosing the right toppings can transform your vegan pizza from good to great. Whether you’re after the classic veggie pizza or something more adventurous like pesto or balsamic, these toppings will ensure every bite is delicious. If you are looking for the best vegan pizza recipe, you’ll want to consider some of these toppings!

Pro Tip: for the best vegan pizza toppings: when adding fresh vegetables to pizza, it’s better to allow your pizza dough to get to a golden brown color before adding some of the more watery veggies like tomatoes, squash, or fresh bell peppers. Any of these toppings will elevate your homemade vegan pizza!

Feel free to create an easy vegan pizza with one or two ingredients, but definitely experiment with some of these other great ideas!


Olives - best vegan pizza topping

Every great pizza has olives, but that’s just my opinion! Adding olives to your vegan pizza introduces a delightful interplay of saltiness and subtle acidity, their briny character enhancing the overall flavor profile.

This salty tang, paired with the olives’ rich, velvety fat, complements the other toppings by cutting through their freshness with a bold, savory depth.

For my absolute best vegan pizza toppings: try the grilled olives from Trader Joe’s; they come in a small shelf-stable glass jar. Our two favorites are kalamata olives and grilled olives!


Figs - best vegan pizza topping

Incorporating figs into your vegan pizza brings a burst of natural sweetness and a subtle chewiness, their unique qualities adding an unexpected dimension to each bite.

This scrumptious fruit contributes a honey-like flavor and a gentle, seedy texture, offering a delightful contrast to the savory elements of the pizza. You can even use dried figs, we have a whole article dedicated to rehydrating figs.

Tomato Sauce – Pizza Sauce

Tomato Sauce - vegan pizza topping

A good pizza sauce is marked by its rich, concentrated tomato flavor, achieved by adding tomato paste, which lends depth and a robust foundation to the sauce. The perfect balance of herbs, garlic, and a hint of sweetness from the paste creates a harmonious backdrop that enhances the toppings and complements the dough.

Tomato Paste (Best Vegan Pizza Toppings)

tomato paste - vegan pizza topping

I love taking tomato paste and adding 4-8 tiny circles to the sauce before putting it into the oven. Adding a small amount of pure tomato paste creates another layer of umami-flavored depth.

Vegan Pepperoni (Best Vegan Pizza Toppings)

Vegan Pepperoni types

Most supermarkets have versions of vegan pepperoni or salami that will work. However, if you live in a larger city, you can find one like the ones from the Very Good Butchers or Renegade brands.

Pears (Thinly Sliced)

Pears (Thinly Sliced) as a vegan pizza topping

Thinly sliced pears on pizza introduce a delicate, sweet crispness that contrasts beautifully with the savory notes of the other toppings, creating a sophisticated flavor profile. Their subtle juiciness and light, fruity essence add a refreshing layer to the pizza, elevating it with a nuanced complexity.


arugula as a top choice for vegan pizza

Arugula adds a peppery note to your pizza, which is especially delightful on a vegan parmesan-topped. You can pile fresh arugula on the top right before serving it.

Red Onion

Red Onion add it onto a pizza at the end

Thinly sliced red onions offer a slight sweetness and a pop of color. I like to add the onion raw at the end, but it can be just as good if you add it before it goes into the oven. Add the thinly sliced onions at the end if you want a spicier pizza with a kick.


mushroom vegan pizza topping

Mushrooms, when thinly sliced and sautéed until golden, bring a savory umami richness and a tender, meaty texture to vegan pizza, mimicking the depth traditionally provided by animal proteins. Their ability to absorb and enhance flavors makes them an excellent topping, elevating the pizza with their earthy, robust taste

Mike’s Hot Honey

Mike's Hot Honey amazing vegan pizza topping

A drizzle of Mike’s Hot Honey as soon as it comes out of the oven introduces a spicy-sweet dynamic that’s unexpectedly perfect on a vegan ‘pepperoni’ pizza.

Fresh Basil

Fresh Basil as pizza topping

Nothing beats the aroma of fresh basil, bringing a herby freshness essential for a Margherita-inspired creation.

Red Bell Peppers (Roasted)

Red Bell Peppers (Roasted) for vegan pizza topping

Roasted red bell peppers deliver a smoky sweetness, elevating pizzas with a roasted vegetable medley.

Roasted Red Pepper Spread

Roasted Red Pepper Spread a vegan pizza base

Like the pesto, you can use this as a stand-alone base or mix it with marinara sauce instead. Either way, you will add an incredible flavor profile to your vegan pizza. 

Red Bell Peppers (Fresh)

Red Bell Peppers (Fresh) on pizza

Fresh red bell peppers provide a satisfying crunch and vibrant flavor, enhancing any veggie-loaded slice. It’s best to add the fresh bell peppers before you put the pizza pan into the oven. If you want to make it in the toaster oven, just use a toaster oven pizza pan!

​Cherry Tomatoes

​Cherry Tomatoes as a pizza topping

Cherry tomatoes, when added as a topping on vegan pizza, burst with sweet, acidic flavor, but their high water content requires careful consideration to prevent a soggy crust.

Halving and pre-roasting them or adding them towards the end of the baking process can concentrate their flavor while minimizing moisture, ensuring they enhance the pizza with their vibrant taste and texture without compromising the integrity of the base.

Charred Broccolini

Charred Broccolini - best plant-based pizza topping

Charred broccolini as a vegan pizza topping adds a smoky depth and a pleasing, slightly crunchy texture, enriching the pizza with its earthy, nutty flavors.

Briefly pre-charring the broccolini before adding it to the pizza ensures it retains its vibrant green hue and crisp-tender bite, contrasting the softness of the crust and the richness of other toppings. 


using Spinach as a vegan pizza topping

To add spinach to create a best vegan pizza topping without it turning soggy, it’s crucial to lightly sauté or wilt the leaves beforehand to remove excess moisture.

Layering the pre-cooked spinach between other toppings can also help protect it from direct heat, allowing it to retain its vibrant green color and earthy flavor without releasing water onto the pizza.

Yellow Summer Squash Thinly Sliced

Yellow Summer Squash Thinly Sliced

When thinly sliced and layered atop a vegan pizza, yellow summer squash introduces a delicate, buttery flavor and a tender yet slightly crisp texture, adding a splash of sunny color and a subtle vegetal sweetness.

To preserve its texture and vibrant hue, it’s best to add it to the pizza partway through baking. Doing this will allow it to soften slightly without becoming mushy, thereby complementing the ensemble of flavors with its gentle, summery essence.

Sun-dried Tomatoes

Sun-dried Tomatoes sliced thin for pizza topping

Sun-dried tomatoes bring a concentrated burst of umami and a chewy texture to a vegan pizza, their intense, sweet-tart flavor profile infusing each slice with the essence of sun-kissed Mediterranean summers.

This ingredient deepens the pizza’s overall taste experience, adding both a vibrant color and a layer of complexity that enriches the harmony of toppings. Pro tip: use a kitchen scissor to cut them into tiny slivers. 

Roasted Eggplant

Roasted Eggplant for vegan pizza

Roasted eggplant on vegan pizza adds a meaty texture and a smoky depth of flavor, especially when pre-roasted or grilled to enhance its natural sweetness and reduce bitterness.

Its spongy nature allows it to absorb herbs and spices well, making it a versatile topping that complements a variety of sauces and other vegetable ingredients. Thinly slicing or dicing the eggplant ensures it cooks evenly on the pizza, becoming tender and rich, adding a layer of complexity and a satisfying bite to each slice.


Pesto as a plant based pizza base

Swapping tomato sauce for pesto injects a fresh and nutty flavor into your pizza, ideal for a green-themed or spinach artichoke pizza. Vegan pesto pizza is a weekly staple in my house!

Red Pepper Flakes

Red Pepper Flakes as a topping

Since red pepper flakes are a standard in any pizzeria, adding them to your pizza is a no-brainer. They can bring other flavors together and create a delicious vegan pizza.

Artichoke Hearts

Artichoke Hearts as a vegan pizza topping

To add artichoke hearts to vegan pizza the right way, it’s advisable to use marinated artichoke hearts. These are already infused with flavor, but you’ll need to drain and pat them dry to remove excess oil or brine.

Slicing them thinly before topping allows them to integrate seamlessly with the other ingredients, providing a tender bite and a subtle, tangy profile that complements the overall flavor palette of the pizza.

Sauteed or Roasted Garlic

Sauteed Garlic - best vegan pizza topping

Garlic, especially when sautéed, or roasted adds a depth of flavor that complements mushrooms and artichokes beautifully. If you thinly slice a head of garlic, saute it, and then add it on top after it comes out of the oven, your taste buds will thank me later!

White Beans

White Beans for a vegan white pizza base

You can use white beans on vegan pizza to create a kind of white sauce! You’ll transform your vegan pizza base into a creamy, protein-rich base or spread that adds a subtle, nutty flavor and a smooth texture.

Mashed white beans can complement the crust and toppings with their mild, versatile profile. They can also be scattered whole across the pizza, offering bites of tender creaminess that contrast delightfully with the crispness of the vegetables and the chewiness of the dough. Pro tip: Toss them in lemon juice before adding them to the pizza. 

Caramelized Onions

Caramelized Onions as a vegan pizza topping

The sweetness of caramelized onions melds perfectly with the savory notes of vegan meats and spinach.

Vegan Sausage

Vegan Sausage as a pizza topping

Chopped vegan sausage is a flavorful addition that brings a spicy or smoky dimension to your pie.

Drizzle of Olive Oil

Drizzle of Olive Oil on pizza

A final drizzle of olive oil can enhance the mouthfeel and combine all the flavors on your pizza.

Drizzle of Balsamic Glaze

Drizzle of balsamic on vegan pizza

A drizzle of balsamic glaze can elevate a vegan pizza by adding a rich, tangy sweetness that cuts through the earthiness of the vegetables, creating a captivating balance of flavors. Its syrupy consistency and deep, glossy finish enhance the taste and add an artisanal touch to the visual presentation of the pizza.

Cashew Cheese

Cashew Cheese for vegan pizza

Creamy cashew cheese is a beautiful alternative to dairy, providing a rich texture to spinach artichoke pizzas. Finding the best vegan cheese will require you to experiment with what your supermarket offers. Your options are limitless if you live near Whole Foods or a vegan grocery store like Orchard Street Grocery.

Vegan Parmesan

Vegan Parmesan as an awesome pizza topping

Sprinkle vegan parmesan for a cheesy bite that’s especially good on pesto pizzas. So, if you are looking for a cheesy flavor, sprinkle some parmesan on after it comes out of the oven.

Vegan Mozzerella Cheese

Vegan Mozzerella Cheese

Most supermarkets will carry some version of vegan mozzarella. Whatever cheese you decide to use, definitely go light on it. The vegan cheeses taste better when you use less product. Less is more when it comes to vegan cheese on pizza!

Remember, the key to a fantastic vegan pizza is diversity in texture and flavor, ensuring every bite offers something different. Use these toppings to craft your ideal pizza and enjoy the world of flavors vegan options have to offer.

FAQs About Vegan Pizza Options 

What kind of pizza dough is vegan?

Usually, pizza dough is vegan, as we make it from a simple mixture of water, flour, yeast, and salt. However, if you are buying crust ready to go, always check the ingredients list or ask the manufacturer to ensure that there are no dairy or animal-derived products.

Best herbs for pizza toppings?

A well-chosen assortment of herbs can elevate a pizza from simple to sublime, infusing it with aromatic depth and fresh, vibrant flavors. Basil, with its sweet, peppery essence, is a classic companion to tomato-based pizzas, offering a burst of freshness. 

Oregano brings a touch of earthy, slightly bitter notes, ideal for enhancing the savory components of the dish. Thyme, with its subtle, lemony undertone, adds a complex layer that pairs beautifully with both vegetable and cheese toppings. 

Rosemary, with its piney aroma and a hint of sharpness, lends a Mediterranean flair, perfect for pizzas with a heartier, rustic character. 

Finally, a sprinkle of fresh parsley just before serving not only adds a pop of color but also a clean, slightly peppery finish that ties all the flavors together. Together, these herbs contribute to a multifaceted flavor profile that can transform any pizza into a culinary masterpiece.

What is the best way to cook a vegan pizza?

Preheat your oven as high as possible, typically between 475°F (246°C) and 500°F (260°C). Use a pizza stone, pizza pan, or baking tray for the best results. Cooking time varies but usually ranges from 10 to 15 minutes, depending on oven strength and topping load. Sometimes, you’ll want to allow the crust to brown before adding the bulk of toppings. Try this Post Punk Kitchen idea for a plant-based pizza recipe.

Do I have to give up flavor when choosing dairy-free toppings?

Not at all! Dairy-free toppings can provide a flavorful and satisfying experience. With the variety of plant-based cheeses and rich, savory vegetable toppings, your vegan pizza can be just as delicious as any traditional pizza.